Publication Error Statements Policy


At the International Journal of Gastronomy Research, we are committed to maintaining the highest standards of accuracy and reliability in our published content. Despite our rigorous editorial and review processes, errors or omissions may occasionally occur. In such cases, we have established the following policy to address and correct these errors transparently and promptly:

1. Error Identification: Errors or inaccuracies identified in published articles will be promptly reviewed and verified by the editorial team.

2. Correction Process: When an error is confirmed, the editorial team will take the necessary steps to correct the error. This may include issuing a correction notice or publishing an updated version of the article with the corrections.

3. Notification: Authors, readers, and other relevant parties will be informed of the error and the corrective actions taken. Correction notices will clearly describe the nature of the error and the corrections made.

4. Retraction: In cases of serious errors or ethical concerns, articles may be retracted in accordance with COPE guidelines and established industry standards.

5. Transparency: We will maintain transparency throughout the error correction process, providing clear communication to our readers and authors.

6. Prevention: We continually strive to improve our editorial processes to prevent errors and maintain the quality of our published content.

7. Contact: If readers or authors identify errors in our published content or have concerns, they are encouraged to contact the editorial office at [Editorial Office Email Address].

8. Acknowledgment: We acknowledge the importance of reader and author vigilance in identifying errors and appreciate their cooperation in maintaining the integrity of our journal.

This "Publication Error Statements Policy" is in accordance with the guidelines and best practices set forth by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). We are committed to upholding these principles to ensure the accuracy and reliability of our published work.


Prof. Dr. Mehmet Başlar
Editor-in-Chief, International Journal of Gastronomy Research