Author Guidelines

Before submitting your article to the International Journal of Gastronomy Research, please ensure that your manuscript aligns with the journal's aim and scope, which focuses on Gastronomy and Food. Additionally, make sure that your manuscript is prepared in accordance with the journal's formatting guidelines. This is crucial for our editorial team to expedite the evaluation of your work. You can find the necessary information in the following writer's guide.

2.1. Structure

The "Title Page" and "Manuscript" files should be prepared as two separate files to facilitate anonymous peer review. Please ensure that these files are ready before submission. You can submit the "Copyright Transfer Form" and "Similarity Report" after your article is accepted.

 2.2. Comments for the Editor

When you initiate the submission process, you will be prompted to fill in the "Comments for the Editor" section. In this section, which serves as a cover letter, kindly provide a brief summary of your article and explain why it is suitable for our journal. You can briefly describe the article's content and highlight its unique aspects.

2.3. Title Page

The title page should include the Title, Authors, Affiliations, Corresponding Author Information, and Declarations, etc.

2.4. Manuscript

Manuscript should include Title, Abstract, Keywords, Main text (Introduction, Materials & Methods, Results & Discussion, Conclusion, etc.), Author contributions, Acknowledgements, and References.

Key points about the manuscript:

- Manuscripts should be uploaded as a single file in Microsoft Word (*.doc, *.docx) format in A4 size, and the bottom, top, and margins should be set to 2.5 cm.
- The manuscript should be in Times New Roman font, size 12, and written in clear English.
- The language of the text is English only and it should be written in good English.
- If your article is based on your thesis work or presented as an abstract at a congress/symposium, please note this before the references section.
- Abstract: It should provide concise and clear information, with a length of 150-300 words. Research article abstracts should cover aim/background, methodology, results & discussion, and conclusions. Review article abstracts should include aim, background, contribution to the literature, and conclusions. After the abstract, please provide 3-5 keywords in alphabetical order.

2.5. Table & Figures

All tables and figures in the manuscript should be cited in the text in consecutive numerical order and numbered using Arabic numerals. Tables should follow APA style and contain at least a few lines. Figures should be presented in their original high-resolution format.

2.6. Author Contribution

The journal requests that authors clearly declare their contributions to the work in a manner agreeable to all authors, specifying each author's responsibilities.

2.7. References

References must comply with academic ethical standards and should be cited in accordance with APA guidelines, using the author's last name and year of publication format. For example:

Single author: Thompson, 2021
Two authors: Thompson and Mac, 2020
Three or more authors: Thompson et al., 2020

References should be formatted in APA 6 style. Below are examples for citing an article, a book, and a book chapter:

For an article: Kilicli, M., Baslar, M., & Durak, M. Z. (2019). Effect of ultrasound and low-intensity electrical current for microbial safety of lettuce. LWT, 116, 100-107.

For a book: Gaman, P. M., & Sherrington, K. B. (1996). The science of food. Routledge.

For a book chapter: Başlar M. & Öztürk İ. (2021). Gastronomy and Art. Art, Design and Theory (Ed.: Ş. Üstünipek). Alternatif Press, 189-204.

2.9. Scientific style

Abbreviations should be defined upon first usage, and their use in the title and abstract should be avoided. Please consistently use the international system of units (SI). If other units are mentioned, provide their SI equivalents.

2.10. Copyright Transfer & Warranties Form

Authors must sign Copyright Transfer & Warranties Form to indicate their acceptance of the publication terms.

2.11. Plagiarism

Articles with plagiarism or high similarity rates are not published in our journal. Please send us the similarity report of the article at the sumission stage or after your article is accepted.

2.12. English Proofreading Services

If English is not your native language, we recommend having your article reviewed by a professional English editing service that specializes in academic studies.

Note: We explicitly guarantee that IJGR will not require you to obtain a certificate from any company, either explicitly or implicitly. You are free to choose any service provider if your article requires proofreading. If needed, we can recommend Letpub Editing proofreading services, but please note that this is merely a suggestion and not a requirement for publication.

Submittion Statistic Information 
The average time during which the preliminary assessment: 3 days
The average time during which the reviews of manuscripts: 20 days
The average time in which the article is published: 30 days

Submittion Link 

Make a new submission for your manuscript.