Determination of Thermotolerant Yeast Population in Dairy Products
Yeast, Thermotolerant, Cheese, Butter, CreamAbstract
Thermotolerant yeasts constitute a critical indicator for the effective management of product quality, food safety, and production processes in the dairy industry. This study aims to investigate the presence of thermotolerant yeasts in diverse dairy products within the context of Turkiye. In this study, pH and thermotolerant yeast properties of Turkish white cheese, butter, cream (Kaymak), and Tulum cheese were investigated. Thermotolerant yeast counts in butter samples ranged between 4.30 and 4.82 log CFU/g, with pH values ranging from 4.91 to 6.68. Thermotolerant yeast counts of Tulum cheese, white cheese and cream samples were <2 log CFU/g. The pH values of cream and Tulum cheese were ranged from pH 5.07-6.79 and pH 4.91-6.68, respectively. The mean pH value for white cheeses was 4.98. As a results, thermotolerant yeast counts of Tulum cheese, white cheese and cream samples were below the detectable value; however, a high number of thermotolerant yeasts were determined in butter samples. In conclusions, these findings offer valuable insights for evaluating the microbiological quality of different dairy products, aiding producers in enhancing safety and quality for consumers.
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