Psychrotrophic Bacteria and Yeast Populations in Turkish White and Tulum Cheeses
Bacteria, Yeast, Psychrotrophic Bacteria, Tulum cheese, White cheeseAbstract
In this study, pH and microbiological (psychrotrophic bacteria and yeast) properties of White and Tulum cheeses were investigated. According to the results of our study, the lowest pH value identified was 4.42, and the highest pH was 5.84 in the cheese samples. Psychrotrophic bacteria counts ranged from 4.15 to 6.21 log CFU/g for White cheese and 4.02 to 6.15 log CFU/g for Tulum cheese. Psychrotrophic yeast counts ranged from 2.98 to 7.58 log CFU/g for White cheese and 2.99 to 6.77 log CFU/g for Tulum cheese. The highest values of psychrotrophic yeast were detected in the Tulum cheese samples. As a result, it was determined that the numbers of psychrotrophic bacteria and yeast were high in both Tulum and White cheese samples. These high numbers of psychrotrophic microorganisms during cheese storage in the refrigerator may increase even further and reduce shelf life. To extend the shelf life of these cheeses, it is recommended to ensure hygienic handling practices and explore the use of natural preservatives or modified atmosphere packaging.
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