A Comprehensive Review on Beyşehir Tarhana, A Turkish Traditional Food





Beyşehir Tarhana, Gastronomy, Snack, Tarhana, Traditional Food


Tarhana, hold an important place in Turkish culture, and has a gastronomic value that stands out in different geographies, especially in Turkey, with its diversity. Although many comprehensive studies exist in the literature regarding the types of tarhana, very limited literature information is available on Beyşehir tarhana, which has many unique features and is mentioned in some historical events. The present study aims to create the necessary background in scientifically defining Beyşehir tarhana in a better way and enabling it to be the subject of various research. In the frame of this aim, a comprehensive literature search was performed on Beyşehir tarhana and the information was compiled using a systematic method. In the study, firstly Beyşehir tarhana was examined in comparison with other tarhana types, and its characteristic features were discussed in a conceptual framework. Second, the production steps of Beyşehir tarhana, which has a unique and simple making process with the use of yogurt, yarma wheat and salt, was explained in detail, and consumption habits in the region were revealed. And lastly, the nutritional values of Beyşehir tarhana were evaluated based on the quantitative data present in the literature. Beyşehir tarhana has a remarkable feature to be able to be considered as the ancestor of other tarhanas due to the ingredients used in its production and its name being referred in some historical events. In conclusion, it can be stated that multidimensional and more comprehensive quantitative and qualitative scientific studies should be conducted on Beyşehir tarhana.


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2022-07-07 — Updated on 2022-07-07

How to Cite

Baslar, M., Ozcelik, G. N., & Calıskan, H. (2022). A Comprehensive Review on Beyşehir Tarhana, A Turkish Traditional Food. International Journal of Gastronomy Research, 1(1), 35–43. https://doi.org/10.56479/ayed.2022.07071



Review Article